The man she wants

The story of love is heard each day and hearts broken seem to be greater than those who just found love. Sharing in the pains of the broken, the storyline remains recurring- the perfect partner turned into a stranger and love became difficult. The rosy relationship turned into a nightmare.

When a clear case of “…married and lived happily ever after” becomes a mirage, questions (with no possible answers) definitely arise. The greatest concern remains with the female gender who in her emotional weakness finds it traditional to bring her pains to the light of the public, where she relays how she sacrificed all for her relationship.

Love is beautiful and can sweep you off your feet. Utmost care is needed to ensure that it does not take you to another continent, only to drop you and brush another off her feet.

Some say the female folk is a complicated and confused specie. We ask for too much when we should settle for what we see. We always try to change a man’s life, I hear. What then does she ask for? Who is the man for her? Who is the man she desires?

The simple remote control to a lady’s heart is known to have few buttons: Time, Attention and Care. If you want to go for a more complex remote, you have buttons which only depict an expansion of the simple buttons.

She only wants a friend who she could laugh and play with, one she could run to and cry out her eyes when she wants, one who can hear her unspoken words while she speaks. She doesn’t ask for much, just one who can tidy and fix the house when she falls ill. The man she wants is that one who gives her a little strength when she is weak, the one who reminds her they need to kneel and pray together. Her joy is found in the man who sees her potential and leads her to where she harnesses her potential. She only yearns for the man who plans for her even before she thinks of it. It means he has her at heart. He isn’t perfect but he remembers to drop a note, buys a wristwatch because he noticed her old one is broken.

No, she doesn’t ask for too much. They are basic things but most men have lost them.

If you will love another, then do not engage her heart. If she isn’t what you want, do not give her a light.

She wants a man who can love her and who she can love even more than herself.


Sincerely, thank you for reading.

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