Cancel Culture and The Evolution of Jungle Justice – It’s No Longer on the Streets.
Growing up in Umuahia, armed robbery in the streets was so common that gangs would
Growing up in Umuahia, armed robbery in the streets was so common that gangs would
Do what you love doing, and start doing it now. This life is one that runs so fast, one way to slow it down is to live each day knowing you’re doing what makes you come alive.
Can one hack through negative thoughts? Why do negative thoughts present in the first place?
Whenever you are set to get things done, voices begin to seek relevance. They can
I have taken to saying that things are “fire” when I mean that they are
Have you ever bought a book or piece of material just because of what people
Have you been in a situation where you can describe as being awkward? Think about
I have always believed that the most dangerous person is one without shame and to live without shame is to look the truth in the face, and embrace it, accept it and proclaim it so much that you take away the power other people have to shame you.
Born to the renowned late Senator Uche Chukwumerije, Dike Chukwmerije is known for his undoubted
Blind dates always come with uncertainty, excitement, thrill, and even dread. Recently, we asked some