Texas Graffiti Park: An abandoned building becomes a tourist site

Beautiful things come out of the strangest places. And beauty can only be seen by the one who believes in it. The old and deserted site has become a center of attraction for many, radiating with vibrant colors and shapes that uniformly come together and make a stunning sight. The 2008 abandoned building had hope in the sight of a group of artists and designers who turned it into HOPE Outdoor Gallery, a non-profit organization, a place where local artists can display their talents in support of a variety of causes including to foster care to the plight of Native American Culture.


The living outdoor gallery, born in 2010, records a daily visit of one thousand people and is recognized as one of the top 10 artistic destinations in Texas. Without any permission to paint, as it earlier lived by, anyone equipped with a can of spray can find a space and make a mark, express how you feel. HOPE – Helping Other People Everywhere- has become an inspirational outlet and creative platform for its visitors.

Graffiti Park, as it is known, outgrows its space due to its popularity and seeks a new home to accommodate its visitors. While some neighbors are uncomfortable with the paint fumes, parking has become a bit of a challenge with the steady stream of visitors and traffic.

HOPE has brought so much support for Austin’s small neighborhood. The fun in visiting the gallery is that you will never see the same thing twice. Each day comes with its inspiration. Take a walk round the gallery and make a stop at Castle Hill just when the sun sets over the city and you may never want to leave.

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