The fun in fashion is looking unique. Away from the usual combination of clothes and wears that make us look too serious, corporate wear is meant to make one look smart, not enslaved. Here are a few styles to rock to the office:
Suspenders still rock!
They won’t see this coming. Old school? That’s the idea, something unusual. The skirts have been wonderful and loyal, so it is time to add a little taste to the simple pants. With heels and sleeves neatly suspended between the wrist and elbow, you can’t help but draw the attention to yourself.
Jump-up trousers
We are just too familiar with our ankle-length pants. Not much word to say here, just try one for yourself and fill in the blank spaces. You find you are still corporate!
Go on flats!
Whoever said we must wear our suits and go on heels! Save your calves the stress of having to try to bear the heels and walk confidently on the flats. Less burden and swift movement!
Combine the native wear with a formal one
Fridays are the days we flaunt and rock our traditional outfits. How about we add a little English taste to it instead of a total traditional look! The look is phenomenal and classy. Unique remains the word!
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