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We are excited about this month’s edition of Yolar Magazine. Please do read the editor’s note below to have a glimpse of what lies inside the magazine just before you download your copy.

Editor’s Note

In our tour round the globe, we feature Le Mont-Saint-Michel on the Cover Page of this edition. It is described as “a magical island topped by a gravity-defying monastery”. It is one of France’s beauties and its endearing sight magnets tourists to its shores.

We are less than two months away from the yuletide season and while many make plans to cover a great distance to be with family, some can think of nothing but a time-out to shake off the year’s stress, have real fun and get ready for the new year. What we all have in common is “Plan”.

November happens to be the ‘TRAVEL’ month, so we guide you through your holiday plans. It is annoying to get to realize that you forgot to pick some items needed for your holiday. It becomes frustrating when you spend so much and have nothing to fall back on for the new month. How do we balance both?

Happy reading!


Nkechi Vanessa, Editor


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