
How To Travel The World Almost Free

One day, I made up my mind, I packed my bag, left my city and started a solo trip across my country with just enough money to board a bus to my first destination. And after traveling across many states, with little or no cash, I realized that traveling is less about money and more about the heart. All you need is a little bit of courage to make the first step, the rest almost always falls in place.


So when we landed at the airport in Maiduguri, and I saw what I believe to be a fighter jet as well as dozens of military men armed to their teeth with the kind of guns I only see in Hollywood movies, I said to myself, ‘this is indeed a war zone.’ It didn’t matter to me that General Gowon had been on the same flight with us, and the heavy security was there for him. All I could see at that moment was danger. The beautiful feeling I had that we were about sharing a powerful message to a town ravaged by terrorists was slowly giving way to a different thought – fear.